Hola! So I've decided to start bloggin' here since all the cool people are doing it, (IE: TheSCADallas, Nate, UE..) lol I typically write on my LJ:
http://sumtxkid.livejournal.com but thats so College, I believe its time to mature into a new creative space, where I can continue to type out my ideas, opinions and random stories, as if Twitter wasn't enough Information ;)
http://www.twitter.com/sumtxkidMy bff, always asks why I share so much? and I really don't have an answer, I really hope some random person needing advice or just wanting to feel (not) alone can jump on-line and read a post or tweet of mines and someway just relate to me and or make them smile! Because at the end of the day, we all have issues and maybe mine are worse than yours! Smile!
So today is my mom's bday! shes amazing and I am glad she is still in my life w/ many more to come. She loves me, more than I could ever know! xoxoxo mom!